Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Crash Test Dummy

Wish I could say I’m feeling better, but I’m not. My neck is really hurting, so I have an appointment today with a head, neck and back specialist. At least this morning, I could lift my head off the pillow without having to hold my head with my hands.

However, now my stomach hurts. I think it’s all the Ibuprofen I’ve been eating the past several days. Nothin’ like stomach cramps to get your mind off a sore neck. I spent most of yesterday in bed whining since no doctor could see me right away.

I’m quite optimistic when it comes to my health. The body, God’s most amazing creation, was designed to heal itself, sometimes with a bit of outside help. My whining is simply a temporary indulgence. I used to criticize the old folks for complaining about all their ailments. I mean, for Pete’s sake, weren’t there better topics for conversation?! But, now that I’m an “old folk”, I have joined the club and I’m takin’ notes!

Today, I think I will begin telling my body how great it feels. You know the saying, “Act As If”. It’s time to invite positive, healing thoughts into my realm, like Wayne Dyer talks about in his book, The Power of Intention.

“Your right big toe feels GREAT! Way to go, body!” My toes are about the only thing on my body right now that doesn’t ache. But, hey, I gotta start somewhere, right?!

Let us not take for granted our health. It is one spectacular gift! Oh, and let me not forget our other wonderful gift here in Texas as we usher in the New Year…weather in the 70s! Jalepeno!!

Y’all Be Safe Out There On The Roads Tonight!!